Kapalbhati breathing is advance yogic breathing that offers a host of benefits. Kapalbhati, Kapal mean “Skull” and bhati mean shining. It’s an exercise that purifies, rejuvenate, and invigorates the mind and body. When practice this breath visualize skull filling with bright light; this how its name came also known as fire breath patanjaliyogafoundation.
1. Sit in comfortable sitting asana (position). The spine should be straight with the hand resting on the knees into Chin or Jnana mudra (gesture).
2. Relax the whole body.
3. Inhale through both nose and Exhale through the both nostrils with forceful contraction of abdominal muscles patanjaliyogafoundation.
4. Mind that Inhale one time and exhale from 1 to 100 time or more with movement of stomach.

1. Kpalabhati should be performed or practice on an empty stomach early morning or it should be practice after 4 or 5 hours after food patanjaliyogafoundation.
2. During the practice dizziness or pain experience stop practice.
3. Practice should be with awareness and effortless.
Kaplabhati should not practice people who suffering with-
1. high blood pressure
2. with heart disease
3. stomach disorder
4. blocked nose
5. After three or six month of stomach surgery.
6. During the pregnancy or post pregnancy.

1. Cleans the fire element in digestive system.
2. Cleans fire element in organ of senses (eyes, tongue, nose.
3. It energize mind for mental work and remove sleepy.
4. Tones the digestive organs.
5. Cleans fire element of knowledge.
6. It helps in controlling obesity and burn the fat.
7. It purifies nadis.
8. helps in improving the function of kidney
9. helps in the sinus, hair loss, and asthma.
10. helps in curing constipation and acidity.