patanjaliyogafoundation Trikonasana: Trikona is a Sanskrit word meaning is “Triangle” and asana mean posture. Trikonasana mean is “Triangle pose“.
How to get in the pose:
1. Stay in cantered of the mat feet with hip distance apart.
2 Open the leg apart feet line with wrist or 90cm apart.
3. Hip is facing towards the front buttocks rolling under.
4.Now turn the right foot out making the ninety-degree angle with the right foot. Right foot is line with arch of the left foot.
5. Placing the hand in line of the body palm facing in lift the right arm up extends the right torso left hand on the left hip.
6.Lean forward and making ninety-degree angle with torso bringing the right hand down in line with body place the outside of the right or you can hold the big toe.
7.Rolling the upper shoulder back and open chest towards the front both arms is extended away from each other and both torsi extended evenly patanjaliyogafoundation.

1. This pose stretches the muscles around the ankle joint, knee, hip and groin muscle.
2. Trikon asana also help to open shoulders, back and chest .
3. Triangle pose remove the the fat around the waist.
4. This pose help to stimulate and improve the function of blood of the whole body.
5. Trikon asana reduces blood pressure, stress and anxiety.
6. Improve the flexibility of the supine.
7. It is also help to cure indigestion.
8. This is very good to improve flexibility to groins, hamstrings, and hips.
9. This pose strengthen the torso, legs, supine and shoulders muscles.
10. It provide mentel health to transactional calm the mind.
11. Trikonasana strengthen the pelvic area.
12. It is very good to stimulate the function of the kidney.
13. It helps to remove fats from the waist and thighs.
14. This asana improves the balance and increases concentration.
15. Strengthen the digestive organ and improve the the digestion patanjaliyogafoundation.
1.Those who have server neck pain don’t practice.
2. Those who suffering with high blood pressure look front or down don’t look up.
3.Varicose veins avoid it