
patanjaliyogafoundation Sarvangasana is come from two words one is known as “ Sarvang” which translates “All limbs”and other is “Asana”which translates “Position or Pose”. Sarvangasana is generally known as “Shoulder”. Shoulder stand is also known as the “Queen”of the the Asana. How to do:-
1.Lie on the mat back lie position .
2.Use the fold balnket or mat under the shoulder to protect the neck.
3.Check that the head and supine are alingned and that the legsare straight with feet together. 4.Place the hand beside the body palm facing down.
5.Inhale retain and press the palm lift the leg up bring it parller to the floor.
6.Interlace the hand behind the back and role the shoulder brings the weight over shoulders.
7.Release the hand and support the back brings the on the mid back slowly raise the one leg and if comfortable than raise another leg in final position eighter feet should point or flex patanjaliyogafoundation.
8.When you want to come back bend one leg and slowly and together leg and brings the the leg down over the head and slowly release the back and brings both hands beside to the body and rest the back on the floor, raise the both leg and slowly brings the both the leg on the ground patanjaliyogafoundation.

1.The people with high blood pressure avoid it.
2. The people is suffering with Dharia.
3.Menstruation avoid it.
4.Pregmancy avoid it.
5.Any kind of surgery in past 3or 6 month avoid it.
People suffering with enlarged thyroid about it.
6. Cervical spondylosis avoid it it.
7.Weak blood vessels of the eyes or people using optical lenses avoid it.
8 People with neck problem practice with awareness.

Benefits: –
1.It stimulates thyroid and parathyroid glands.
2.It’s given the rich supply of the blood to the head.
3. Strengthen the shoulders and arms.
4.It help to release tension and stiffness on the neck.
5.Help to relieves mental and emotional stress.
6.It help to stretch and strengthen the upper back.

Note: – For safe practice and provide better support to Shoulders use 4time folded mat or blanket. patanjaliyogafoundation