patanjaliyogafoundation DHANURASAN: Dhanu is sanskrit word meaning is “Bow” and asana is indicate “pose”. Its full name is “Bow pose”. Here in this pose abdomen and thighs are re-presenting the wooden part of the wow and whereas legs lower and arms representing bow strings.

How to get in the pose:
1. Lie down on the mat in supt tadaasana the lie down palm tree position.
2. Practice bhekasana
3. Exhale bend the knee and holding the ankle with both hand.
4. Inhale push the leg away from the body and lift the front part of the body and open the chest.
5. Once in the pose shoulders rolling back, buttocks rolling under and engaged, pubis pressing down.
6. Whole body is rest on the lower abdomen in makarasana.
7. Complete this position with cat stretching and exit with child pose.

Sequence of the bow pose: Supt tadasana- Bhekasana-Dhanurasana-Makarasana-Marjari stretching-Childpose patanjaliyogafoundation.
1.The pose help to reduce the fat and obesity.
2.Dhanurasana massage the liver and internal organs improving the digestion.
3.The bow pose strengthens the legs, shoulders and back muscles.
4.It is help maintain the diabetes and menstrual disorders.
5.This pose helps to hunching the upper back muscles.
6.This pose realigned the spinal column and removing the stiffness of the back.
7.It is good for asthmatics peoples.
8.This pose is good for who have slip disc.
9.It help to sets the dislocated navel right.
10. The bow pose helps to cures constipation.
11. This asana improves blood circulation.
12. It help to rejuvenate and flexibility to the spine.
13. The Dhanurasana improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and larg intestine.
14. It also helps to cure menstruation pain and disorder.
15. The bow pose Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.

1. Those who suffering with spinal problems avoid this pose or do with compitent teacher.
2.Those who have high blood pressure don’t lift the neck look front.
3. Those who have surgery of the of the stomach in past 3 or 6 month than avoid.
4.Those who suffering with peptic ulcer, hernia, appendicitis colitis corsets the competent teacher.
5.Do not practice this asana after meal until 3 hours patanjaliyogafoundation.