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Code of Conduct and Policies

Patanjali International Yoga Foundation Rishikesh India is a separate institute/organization and bears no resemblance to similar names /organization / institutes in what so manner.

Patanjali International Yoga Foundation Code of Conduct ethics & Policies

Our Values at Patanjali International Yoga Foundation
It is our responsibility to maintain relationships with students on a professional basis.

Our foundation do not abandon or neglect students. If we are unable, or unwilling for appropriate reasons, to provide professional help or continue a professional relationship, every reasonable effort is made to arrange another teacher for continuation of instruction. At PIYF, we thrive to

  • Show sensitive regard for the moral, social, and religious standards of students. We avoid imposing our beliefs on others, although we may express them when appropriate in the yoga class. We make only realistic statements regarding the benefits of yoga.
  • Recognize the power imbalance in a teacher-student relationship, and the trust that is placed in this unique relationship. While acknowledging the complexity of some yoga alignment method, we avoid exploiting the trust and dependency of students, otherwise the residual effects are longstanding.
  • Maintain an ethical concern for the integrity and welfare of our assistants, students, and employees. These relationships are maintained on a professional and confidential basis.
  • Strongly discourage any personal relationship, such as dual relationships with students (e.g., business, close personal, or sexual relationships) that could impair our professional judgment, compromise the integrity of our instruction, and increase the risk of personal and/or financial exploitation.
  • Teachers are not allowed to make any kind of personal or business relationship with students for promotional purposes through social media such as Facebook, What’sapp, email etc.

All forms of harassment to students are unethical, even when a student invites or consents to such involvement. We do not engage in abusive words or actions, or exploitative coercion of students or former students. Harassment is defined as, but not limited to, repeated abusive comments, gestures, to all forms of overt and covert seductive speech, and physical contacts of a sexual nature.

Code of Conduct & Advises Regarding Behaviour:

  1. During class in the yoga hall, please observe silence and respect others. Private conversation (or questions) must be conducted after class or by appointment, and not during the practice of asanas and meditation.
  2. Students must maintain discipline and clean atmosphere (e.g., act/speak/think positive) during the course, i.e. do not create bad emotions by anger, arguments, shouting, screaming, loud speaking etc.
  3. Students must be responsible for their mental, physical and psychic emotions with male/female, Indian/foreigners, any place (subject or object) while staying at PIYF Rishikesh India. PIYF itself, building staff or teachers/owner will not responsible in any manner. Give your full time to the subject of yoga.
  4. Students must be fluent in English. If not, they must accept their level of understanding.
  5. If you are a teacher, please come as a student, and not as a teacher. Forget your old knowledge and accept the new one!
  6. Students should participate in all activities like chanting, practicing, teaching, group photo sessions etc.
  7. During the course, joining any another course (e.g., music, massage, Reiki, Ayurveda, medicine, cooking, kayaking, rafting, etc.) is not recommended. Please refrain from attending any Satsang or meetings with other masters, sadhus, monks, etc., until the completion of the course.  
  8. Eating, drinking, gossiping and mobile are not allowed in the Yoga hall during any yoga session. Please make sure that the yoga hall is kept clean always with no left overs or glass, bottles and tea cups.
  9. After the class place all the articles in their respective places. No one is allowed to take any articles outside yoga hall may it be props, belts, cushions, mats or electronic gadgets.
  10. Please do not give anything to the staff (food, clothes, money) without permission of director of Yoga Foundation.
  11. PIYF has the authority to expel students (without refund) from the Foundation, who show aggressive or inappropriate behaviour towards any teacher, the Foundation, and Indian culture or society.  
  12. If somebody is unhappy with us, s(he) is free to quit course (money will not be refunded).
  13. Please follow the Dress code: Suggested white T-shirt which covers shoulder, white trouser below the knee and white socks (if you are using yoga hall wall).
  14. Please note that students are not allowed to join classes if

-Student not in yoga dress

-Student delaying in payment

-Student late in class

Code of Conduct & Advises exam and Certification:

  1.  EXAMs: Divided into below categories which is counted into total:

    BEHAVIER: 100Marks 1. Dress code 2. Manner between yoga students 3. Observation of behaviour silence, 4. Yogic life 5. Time respect, 6. Karamayoga

Practical: 100Marks, 1. Regular practice 2. Practical exam 3. Teaching exam

Theory: 100marks, 1. Talk during Teaching 2. Conversation manner

Code of Conduct & Advice Regarding Time Management:

  1. Students are expected to manage time appropriately following the schedule and should appear 5-10 minutes earlier in yoga hall before the start of a sessions. If you are late, it disturbs others. Please avoid visiting bathroom during the class because it disturbs teachers and other practitioners. During sessions the door will be closed
  2. Students are advised to be in their room before 10:00 pm and staying late at night is not allowed during the course.
  3. Please ensure that you strictly stick to the timings specified for lunch and dinner. Two vegetarian meals are served every day. In case you skip a meal please inform the kitchen in advance, in order to avoid food waste.
  4. Certification will not be offered to those who missed more than five sessions and course subject will not be repeated. Therefore, Students must participate in all sessions.
  5. If you are sick and cannot attend the class let the concerned teacher of that class know the reason of absence. It is advisable to sit and attend the asana class rather than completely miss it.

Code of Conduct & Advice:

  1. Yoga trainee must keep clean room and bathroom including buckets, toilet seats, under bed space, wardrobes, etc.

Leave or Absence or Extension of Completion Request

A student may submit a formal Leave or Absence request or a request for additional time to complete the Yoga program, to the Director of the Yoga Program. Each request will be examined, Leave or Absence or Extension will be accepted or rejected on a case by case basis. If a student does not complete the Yoga program within time schedual and does not formally request an extension their enrolment in the Yoga program will be cancelled without refund.

Code of Conduct & Advice: (or dos and don’ts) Regarding Legal Issues:

Under © term and policy

  1. Teachers will not be responsible for any kind of health injury. No one knows your body better then you do. Keep practicing at your physical level to prevent injury.
  2. Students should take care of their health, diet, rest, sleep, activities, room, hotel, company, speaking, thinking, walking, etc. If in any circumstance one damaged his health during the course Foundation will not be responsible and money will not be refundable.
  3. Use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, allopathic medicine, strong Ayurvedic and homeopathic pills are strictly prohibited during the course. Vitamins and minerals are allowed. If there are any medicine which you must use temporarily, please inform your teachers. All the information will be kept confidential.
  4. If anything is damaged in the ashram (practice hall, dinning hall, living space) by any student, (s)he will be responsible for fixing the damage, or pay monitory compensation. Writing, painting, sticking etc. anywhere in premises are not allowed.
  5. Students should take care of their belongings. After check-out, PIYF is not responsible for any personal item that is left behind in the room. Therefore, check your room thoroughly before checking-out from PIYF.
  6. Students must not share/give PIYF printed material to third party and must not use materials for their centre or personal teachings, without written permission from PIYF.

Confidentiality and Privacy

• No Disclosure: Employees, teachers and assistants will hold the Confidential Information in confidence and will not disclose the Confidential Information to any person or entity without the prior, written consent of PIYF.

• No Copying/Modifying: Employees, teachers and assistants will not copy or modify any Confidential information without the prior written con-sent of PIYF.


In case of an emergency, call 9760990205 which written back side of handbook.

Training Rooms

• Please leave your shoes in the shoe stand outside the door in all buildings.

• Keep your personal belongings with you. It is important that you do not leave them unattended between sessions.

Dishes and Plates

During your stay, please wash your dishes at the end of each meal, returning them to back and put at right place.

Inappropriate Behaviour and Conduct

As the employee, teacher and assistant and as the student, the following is required in establishing and maintaining appropriate behaviour and conduct:

• Maintaining professional boundaries.

• Not making or soliciting unwelcome advances or insinuations - physical, verbal, visual or in any other form - to other staff members, seva volunteers, students or guests.

• Be aware, conscious and watchful for sexualized and seductive behaviour towards any students and staff and report as necessary.

• PIYF Yoga Institute specifically affirms that no staff member may engage in conduct or make comments which tend to create a hostile or unsafe environment.

• Forms of unwelcome and unacceptable behavior, harassment and other conduct prohibited by this code of ethics include, but are not limited to:

•  Sexually suggestive language or gestures, propositions or requests for sexual favors.

•  Use of derogatory nicknames based on an individual’s race, national origin, handicap or age.

•  Deliberate, frequent and unwelcome ethnic jokes, cartoons or remarks about a person’s age, race, sex, etc.

• If such incident arises, please report immediately ( within 48hours) it to the General Manager/ Director/ head of staff in verbal/written.

If you don’t want the teacher’s assistance or correction please let us know on the first day of the program so we can inform all relevant instructors.

Please note that India is a very traditional country with strict behavioural norms and expectations. PIYF is an educational and spiritual place and any kind of sexual misconduct towards other students or PIYF staff will be considered a violation against this policy.

To avoid misunderstanding we request you to respect traditions and cultural policy of Indian society, kindly advised and requested to all students to wear adequate modest clothes for the classes where buttocks, perineum, breast are covered.

Our teachers and staff are instructed to maintain appropriate professional boundaries

• Avoid touching students unless it is essential for instruction or urgent help. Our staff will use verbal cues and demonstrate on their own body in preference to touching the client. Use of physical touching will be done appropriately during training sessions, as a means of correcting alignment and/or focusing a client’s concentration on the targeted area.

• Inform students about the purpose of requesting to touch them and find an alternative if the client objects.

• Unwanted physical contact of any nature, including touching, interference with an individual’s normal work movement, or assault.

• Stop any touching if it appears to make the client uncomfortable, even if they previously gave consent.

• Touch contact should and will be firm and deliberate.

• Never touch a client in areas that are below or underneath clothing.

• Our staff strictly avoids and discourages any conversation or physical contact of a sexual nature.

• All staff and students misbehaving will be documented in notes and investigated.

Hostile Environment

PIYF Yoga Institute’s policy is to provide its staff, volunteers, teachers and students with an environment that is free from hostile and offensive conduct. PIYF Yoga Institute is committed to promoting and maintaining a pleasant and productive environment, and as such, each and every person conducting business for or with PIYF Yoga Institute should be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, any and all forms of conduct which enable or create a hostile environment are expressly prohibited.

Such prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to the following:

Discriminatory Conduct: Conduct based on a person’s race, national origin, sex, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, ancestry, religious affiliation, union affiliation, political affiliation, or sexual orientation.

Other conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile work environment, or otherwise interferes with a person’s work performance, when motivated by consideration of race, sex, religion, age, etc.

Verbal Conduct: Conduct such as disparaging remarks, slurs, jokes, innuendos, epithets, threatening, screaming, cursing, taunting, heckling, spreading rumours, and unwanted sexual advances, comments, or propositioning.

Physical Conduct: Conduct such as gestures, leering, unwelcoming contact, pinching, patting, grabbing, blocking or impeding movement, assault, or any action which physically interferes with or unnecessarily impinges upon an individual person’s work, privacy, or movements.

Visual Conduct: Conduct such as derogatory, sexually oriented, prejudicial, or otherwise generally offensive photographs, posters, objects, cartoons, drawings, graffiti, email, letters, or other writing.


 Where a Staff Member(s)’s complaint is found to be valid based on the evidence as determined through the investigation, the Staff Member(s) who appears to be guilty of harassment will be subject to disciplinary action. The level of discipline will be based upon the nature and severity of the behaviour and may result in a verbal or written warning, suspension or termination.


In the event that an accusation progresses to formal proceedings in a court of law, the following will be in effect: Jurisdiction will be in the County of India, in the State of Uttarakhand, District tehri Garhwal.

My signature below indicates my understanding and agreement to the all aforementioned guidelines regarding attire, ashram rules, and policies. I agree to these terms and acknowledge that, repeated failure to abide by such, after warning(s), may result in dismissal from Patanjali International Yoga Foundation Program participation.


___________________________________                                                                     _________________________

Signature                                                                                                                           Date



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